plastic free beauty

our plastic free beauty range includes natural soaps, sustainable cosmetics (including make-up, deodorant, face masks + creams, and toothpaste), bamboo combs, bamboo toothbrushes, shampoo/ conditioner bars, menstrual hygiene products and biodegradable glitter!

home/ garden

to help promote plastic-free lifestyles beyond our store, we stock reusable produce bags, canvas/ cotton tote bags, string shopping bags, sterilised glass jars, planting seeds for your garden, cookbooks, australia made eco-friendly toilet paper + tissues, bamboo clothes pegs, vegan candles, as well as recycled wrapping paper + gift cards.


for the kitchen, we stock bamboo scrubbers, plastic-free sponges and various other cleaning brushes, as well as lunch boxes, beeswax + vegan food wraps, reusable coffee cups, water bottles, stainless steel/ bamboo straws and bamboo cutlery.

people of the earth
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