covid Updates
We are open everyday
mon-fri 10am-4pm
sat 11am-4pm
sun closed
stay updated daily by following us on instagram @foefoodcoop
qr or sign in is required
masks must be worn unless exempt
practice physical distancing
open mon-sat with reduced hours-closed Sunday
we now have indoor and extra outdoor seating not during 7day shut down
we are accepting clean keep cups and take away containers for lunch not during 7 day shutdown
The bulk grocery store is open, we just ask that customers please wash their hands or sanitise before shopping with the facilities provided
click and collect available 7 days a week
you are also able to refill your own containers and bags for bulk goods with extra cleaning practices being implemented after each us.
we prefer and appreciate card payments at this time but are now accepting cash
want to help support us??? donate to the coop or becoming a member to help keep us going!
thanks so much for your support and stay safe x